About Acupuncture
What Is acupuncture?
Acupuncture uses hair-fine sterile needles to stimulate specific points on the body helping to improve blood flow, calm pain signals, and promote healing.
This natural approach is why acupuncture is very safe yet effective for so many conditions.
What does acupuncture treat?
Chronic and acute pain: Low back pain, neck pain, joint pain, knee pain, musculo-skeletal pain, arthritis, migraines/headache
Anxiety, depression, stress
Hormonal imbalances: Menopause, hot flashes, irregular/painful menses, infertility
Other: Fatigue, post-stroke paralysis, poor sleep, neuropathy
This is just a short list of the conditions acupuncture can help. A consultation is the best way to determine if acupuncture can help with your specific needs. Contact us to set up your initial consultation!
Acupuncture PRICING:
Single Session: $100
5 Session Prepaid Package: $400
10 Session Prepaid Package: $800
Fertility & hormone balancing:
(helpful for fertility, menstrual pain and irregularity, and menopausal symptoms.)
Single Session: $100
6 Session Prepaid Package: $450
12 Session Prepaid Package: $900